There are times when you come across beginners with Feng Shui for Dummies in hand. Trying their best to do Feng Shui.
I’ve been there, and here is my personal view on Feng Shui after spending time and a money studying this subject.
Know the Reference point, The Taiji (太極).
Traditionally, the Taiji is a key concept mention in all Feng Shui books but not in detail. Most people think, Taiji is just the Yin-yang symbol. But it is more than that as it is the point you make all your calculations.
However that particular point some times may not be interacting with the real source of Qi energy.
In certain schools, they will focus on the source of Qi a lot; like 90%. So they will concentrate on the external of the house. Looking at real mountains and real rivers that are the source prosperous Qi. Then look at fake mountains (buildings), fake rivers (Roads). Then look at the details. The reason is we want our Feng Shui to last many generations as long as mountains and rivers.
On the other side, there are schools that focus on the possible. Making the most of what you have. This is the other 10%, the internal (inside the house). Because it is the most impactful area that you can easily control.
So the equation you’ll be seeing is;
External Feng Shui : Mountain+River = Taiji is the door
Internal Feng Shui : The door+internal Qi flow = Taiji is the Person*/Center
The key understanding in doing Feng Shui is from inside the house; we see that the door lets the Qi flow from the outside to inside the house.
So your door is technically the source of Qi.
But if you look at the outside, your door receives the Qi and the rest of the Qi collects at the house (Sitting) direction.
So the door is one of the two reference point used.

Here is the tricky part in Feng Shui, in theory if you Feng Shui “the door”. Commonly and lovingly called “door tilting”; then you are making the single change that impacts all internal Feng Shui as this is the source of Qi inside the house.
So the equation you may be seeing is;
Bad door = 5%luck factor
OK door = 40–60%luck factor
Great door = 1000% luck factor
Take this and multiply with activation. Then you can see the possible. I must warn you that the calculation and process of tilting the door is quite complicated.
Most people will question the effectiveness of this technique, you won’t need to look far go and google Grand Hyatt Hotel Singapore tilting door.
See Qi (氣), Nake eye at a glance.
The argument for focusing on internal Feng Shui continues with the defining Qi with Yi logic. It is made from understanding the Yang of Feng Shui from real OUTPUT.
It is the reason we call the act of doing Feng Shui, Feng Shui audit or Feng Shui analytic.
You see facts.
It is not random.
To Feng Shui is to take Yi logic, and apply it to a smaller reference point (small Taiji) or commonly know as “ the command position”. Allowing us to personalize Feng Shui to each person with intent and creating harmony improvements.
The Yi logic is flexible and can be use with the placement of a bed, a desk, a sofa but it can apply to other furnishings and object as well. It also applies to the external.
Technically, one way to view it is the house/land is the representation of the family living inside. And the rooms of each person represents each individual living inside. So the house in traditional China was always bigger than the people living inside and that is why most energy and effort is expended on location selection and design of the house.
Today, this type of approach may be a bit dated since the family is much smaller and have less flexibility. Many are limited to smaller spaces, making the focus shift to the one person or couple more than the large extend family.

The concept of the command position is simple, we see and tell. Then we fix and activate.
However this process of fixing and activate is refine different from master to master, from school to school. Sometimes people may get different advice.
My professional advice is to refer back to the Yi logic to make a decision or better yet refer back to your Bazi.
Calculate results | Message from the Universe
This is where we define our skill. Feng Shui when done correctly will yield fast impressive results. Here’s a list of my usual KPI,
- 10% Better sleep in 14 days. (Track deep sleep on smart watch)
- 100% Happier in 90–180 days. (Get a boyfriend, solve problems etc)
- Sell Condo / Get new job in 90–180 days* (No agent, Full list price etc)
- Wealth creation/solution 1 year. (Net-worth, Money invested, etc)
To get this results, there are a few complications we need to cover. One of which is the limitations man made or by nature. But the basic process is the same that is the alignment of Heaven-Man-Earth. However for pin point effective results I will use date selection.